Arts Therapy
Arts therapy is a form of psychotherapy that utilises creativity through a range of visual arts-making, nature-connected arts, sensory and process-based arts. Arts therapy can help clients by enriching their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being through creative art.

Where we work:
Schools, ECE centres, organisations
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About Arts Therapy
Arts therapy facilitates self-expression, communication, self-awareness and personal growth and healing. Arts therapists use creative, arts-based processes as part of their therapeutic work with clients, to facilitate self-expression, communication, self-awareness and personal development. Arts therapy is a way to explore an individual’s unconscious world and a way to express what may be too difficult to express verbally.
For those who may struggle to participate in more traditional ‘talking therapies’ such as young children, adolescents, people suffering from trauma, those with disabilities, neuro diversities or those from diverse cultural backgrounds, arts therapy can also be a vehicle for expression for what might be too painful or difficult to talk about verbally.
Arts therapy is process and not product driven, meaning that therapeutic benefits are about expression not skill set. Creative processes such as play, sensory, writing, movement and talking, applied psychological theory combined with a psychotherapeutic relationship is often utilised in arts therapy sessions. The arts therapist does not interpret art work in arts therapy sessions. Arts therapy sessions are a partnership between the client and therapist focused on creative expression and healing.

What can Arts Therapy help with?
Our arts therapists all have extensive postgraduate training and are registered through our professional body ANZACATA.
Arts therapy works with individuals, groups and whānau across the age span. It is essentially about the therapeutic partnership focused on creative expression.
Arts therapy:
- Is a fluid, flexible and trauma informed one to one or group therapy
- Is a vehicle for self-expression when individuals may not be able to describe emotions and experiences by making the invisible visible through external expression
- Engages the whole brain and can stimulate integration of cognitive, feeling and sensory processes
- Provides an understanding of personal meaning and a discovery of inner resources
- Empowers clients to connect with their own authentic creativity
- Can increase self esteem, self worth and confidence
- Teaches healthy coping skills such as self soothing and safe self expression
- Facilitates self empowerment, strength and an understanding of personal values and identity
These outcomes are supported by international arts therapy research.

How are Arts Therapy sessions delivered?
Therapy sessions are delivered via our school, early childhood, and organisational programmes. To inquire about having us work in your school, early childhood centre, or organisation, please contact us, and one of our directors will discuss with you.
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