Marcia Underwood

Marcia Underwood

Registered Arts Therapist

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Marcia Underwood

Marcia Underwood is a Registered Creative Arts Therapist working for Mauri Tui Tuia in Te Tai Tokerau, New Zealand.  She identifies as Tangata Tiriti and Tangata Whenua (Ngāti Pou) and has lived with her family in coastal Te Tai Tokerau for over 20 years.  She enjoys collaborating to provide Creative Arts Therapy within the early childcare and secondary education settings, and has also enjoyed working with adult populations who have experienced trauma.  Marcia’s professional background includes many years as an occupational therapist in paediatric and adult healthcare services.  She is particularly interested to explore the intersections between the creative arts, playfulness, sensory processing and cultural identity as a means to support community well-being.