Craig Wells
(Ngāti Kahu, Te Rarawa) KSM, FCA, BMS, MInstD, NZIPIM
(Ngāti Kahu, Te Rarawa) KSM, FCA, BMS, MInstD, NZIPIM
Craig, Mauri Tui Tuia Director, is an independent director for a number of Iwi, commercial and not for profit organizations as well as working as a lead advisor on commercial development projects. A Fellow of Charted Accountants Australia and New Zealand, Craig was a director of one of the largest charted accountant firms in Te Tai Tokerau for 17 years. A change of direction in 2018 allowed a focus on governance and Iwi-based projects. Deeply connected to his Far North whenua, Craig has been integral in many Northland community and Iwi based projects. His ability to bridge community-based action and governmental organisations have seen ‘on the ground’ sustainable change, benefitting Northland and its people. His whakapapa informs all that he does, and he is known in his communities for his integrity, broad vision and commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.