Creative therapies for calm connection

Mauri Tui Tuia offers empowering, tailored, and practical workshops, courses, creative therapy sessions and classroom visits. Grounded in bicultural practice as active partners to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, we are focused on sustainably building resilience and maintaining wellbeing for kaiako, tamariki, whānau, and therapy professionals.

Our team of registered arts, dance movement and music therapists work throughout Tai Tokerau and Tāmaki Makaurau.

About Mauri Tui Tuia

Our Kaupapa

Our therapeutic team includes leaders from music therapy, dance movement therapy and arts therapy. Mauri Tui Tuia was founded by Jan McConnell (Registered Dance and Arts Therapist, Physiotherapist) and Katie Pureti (Registered Music Therapist).

Understanding neuro-biology and the instinctive knowledge of our bodies and voices helps us move toward calm connection. Te Whare Tapa Whā underpins our bicultural practice model, and tuakana-teina supports the sharing of knowledge and leadership between the facilitators and the participants. These tools have life-long application to create sustainable benefit and wellbeing for kaiako, tamariki and whānau.

What people say about us

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Your team is amazing. You're current and relatable. It made it easy and enjoyable. It's a good eye opener of what we're doing is right, and how to change.

Tess, April 2023
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You guys are magic! I love how we got to sing, produce movement, and learning the 'why' of music and movement.

Holly, Occupational Therapy student
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I learnt a lot and have a lot to reflect on with my own and our team’s practice to be more intentional with waiata and movement. Thank you SO much.

ECE Kaiako, June 2022
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Awesome to have essential new learning and support that is progressive – hui, email with resources followed up with in-centre session with tamariki.

ECE Kaiako, June 2022
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Understanding the reason behind why drama/movement/music techniques I used to use as part of my former teaching role worked in terms of building self-esteem, connection/whakawhanaungatanga/team work.

Tracey, RTLB
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"I loved your whole presentation! Your simple instructions and explanations made sense to me. I have learnt a lot of new techniques. Thank you so much.

It was really useful to learn strategies to use for all age groups in our centre (4 months - 3 years). Learning how to support tamariki to regulate their bodies, energy and breath."

ECE Kaiako, May 2022
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Amazing, love the knowledge you bring and your amazing voices. A fun PD that pushes us out of our comfort zone. Participating actively in the songs and movement is really fun and helps with team building.

Chantelle, ECE Centre Manager
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It was awesome and there are lots of ideas to support the different ages.

Meghan, ECE Kaiako
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A new and refreshing lens through which to provide support for teachers and tamariki.

Tai Tokerau
PLD workshops provided
Of workshop attendees
said the strategies
shared were highly useful
Professionals have
attended our workshops
Of workshop attendees
said the presenters
were highly effective


COMING SOON 2025 – Rooted in the meeting place of creativity, movement, sound and wellbeing, each episode is an honest kōrero (conversation) between creative therapists Jan and Katie, and the unsung Kiwi heroes of education, therapy, art/dance/music. Join us on Mauri Tui Tuia, the podcast, to learn how to better your life and develop calm connection as a teacher, therapist, creative, or parent.